Is your teen a gamer? For many teens, gaming represents so much more than simple entertainment. Gaming can also be a source of friends for some teens. We all know how much fun a few hours of unwinding can be in front of a game. But what if it’s gone further than that for your […]
Parenting Your Teen Who Feels Shame
Does your teen struggle with shame-based thinking? Your teen may use negative language, expressing feelings of worthlessness, feeling unwanted, useless, or damaged. As a parent, you may feel helpless about how you can help him work through these feelings and find a better mental space to see his true value and worth. The good news […]
What Are Some Things Teens Won’t Talk to Their Parents About?
One of the most challenging things for teenagers is talking to their parents about important things. Often, teens feel like they can’t speak to their parents about certain things because they’re afraid of how their parents will react. Here are some everyday things that teenagers often hide from their parents: 1) Thoughts and feelings about […]
Foundations of Boarding Schools
When your teen is in crisis, you must select the right help for them. Treatment options vary for troubled teens, with therapeutic boarding schools being one of the options that can provide a comprehensive solution for a struggling teen. If you’re considering a boarding school for your teen, you must take the time to do […]
Boarding Schools for Unmotivated Students
Teens will go through unmotivated periods where they don’t want to participate in sports or school. Many may find their way back to a strong academic path, but some may not. How can you provide help to a teen who simply is not motivated to go to school, do the assignments, take tests, or admit […]
What Are the Foundations of Boarding Schools?
When your teen is in crisis, you must select the right help for them. Treatment options vary for troubled teens, with therapeutic boarding schools being one of the options that can provide a comprehensive solution for a struggling teen. If you’re considering a boarding school for your teen, you must take the time to do […]
Histrionic Personality Disorder in Teens
If there’s anything that many of us tend to associate with teens, it’s drama and a rollercoaster of emotions. But how can you tell whether your teen is being dramatic or whether it’s something a bit more serious? Also referred to as dramatic personality disorder, a histrionic personality disorder is a mental health condition that […]
What is a Disciplinary School?
How do you define what a disciplinary school is? While the term may sound somewhat on the stern side, the truth is that a disciplinary school can offer a troubled teen the supportive and helpful environment needed to recover and thrive. The word discipline is quite often connected with visions of physical punishments. Perhaps this […]
Schools for Anxiety
Anxiety can take a toll on any one of us without discriminating. Whether there is a family history of anxiety or seeing your teen experiencing it is your first encounter with this sometimes debilitating mental health concern, there’s always help to be found. Teens who struggle with anxiety may find it difficult to concentrate on […]
Schools for Behavioral Problems
It’s no secret that the teen years can be a rollercoaster of emotions for both parents and teens. Many parents can work through the struggles and behavioral problems that their teens express. However, many parents have to consider alternative options to help their teens. How can you determine whether your teen is struggling with typical […]