How Liahona Academy Helps Troubled Teen Boys

Liahona Academy Provides Education and More For Troubled Teen Boys
An education is a key part of getting ahead in the world, and the teen years are an important part of ensuring there is a safe and secure future. When teens are having trouble in traditional school, it’s hard for teachers to help them get caught up because they have the rest of the class to worry about. The teens end up failing classes and losing credits they need to graduate. Liahona Academy’s high-quality teachers run small classrooms so each student gets one-on-one help. At Liahona Academy, education is a priority. With an accredited program that leads toward a high school diploma, Liahona Academy students get to repair credit, learn from tutors and teachers, get up to grade level and beyond, all while getting professional therapy and expert help in addressing any learning disorders. The teachers have top training in special education so they know how to work with troubled teens who haven’t yet found success in school. Liahona Academy is ideal for those who need more academic support than the traditional system provides.Startling Statistics on Teen Behavior in the United States
There are lots of reasons why teenagers behave badly when they are struggling in school. They can be facing a number of mental health issues and emotional trauma, such as depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, abuse trauma, oppositional defiant disorder, bipolar and more. Because they are frustrated at their feelings and don’t know how to meet the challenges that life brings, they engage in risky behavior that can get them into trouble, both at school and in the community. Just look at some of the things that troubled teens are doing across the country:- When it comes to graduating from high school, only 83 percent of teen boys in the country do so.
- Alcohol abuse is a big part of problematic teen behavior as 33 percent of teenage boys in America regularly drink.
- Drinking starts early in the life of many teen boys, with just over 20 percent starting before age 13.
- The suicide death rate in the United States is 12.97 per 100,000.
Boosting Education for Troubled Teens in Residential Treatment Centers
Therapeutic resident homes are ideal for those boys who need to get the academic and therapeutic support day in and day out. Traditional schools simply cannot meet this need, and only a resident school can really provide troubled teenage boys with what they need. Many parents who are too focused on the behavior issues and even the therapy fail to choose a program that also emphasizes the education and academic aspect of rehabilitation. After all, if a teen’s behavior is improving with therapy, why wouldn’t their academics improve with special education? Here are just a few things besides education that a residential treatment center can provide to struggling teenagers:- Trained professionals in positions like mentors, guides, administration, therapists, counselors and teachers.
- Recreation therapy compliments academic and therapeutic sessions, so teens get a chance to have fun, boost self-esteem and see new ways to enjoy themselves.
- Community service is a big part of growing up, so teens learn to help others with everything from chores and cleaning to laundry and cooking.
- Life skills are important for teens to learn about and this can help them become more independent as they transition into adulthood. Life skills can include laundry, budgeting, leadership, chores, hygiene and more.
Liahona Academy Can Better Your Teen Boys Academic Standing
There are so many things that parents must look out for when they are choosing a help program, and sometimes academics doesn’t necessarily top the list. However, at Liahona Academy, students get the chance to continue their education while they are getting help for mental illness and emotional distress. Liahona Academy is the mental health residential treatment center that really can deliver on everything it claims, and getting boys to go from troubled teen to successful young man is the goal. Parents can get more details on the Liahona Academy treatment program when they phone 1-855-587-1416 anytime.- ADHD is a behavioral disorder that currently affects up to 10 percent of school children. ADHD is most often characterized by hyperactivity, an inability to concentrate or follow directions and/or consistent impulsivity. Because ADHD is a lifelong disorder, the earlier a child learns to manage the symptoms associated with it, the more likely they are to become successful adults. Liahona Academy is a full-time residential treatment center specializing in helping boys with ADHD overcome the challenges of the disorder while learning to successfully navigate day to day life. Contact Liahona Academy at 1-855-587-1416 for more information.
- Defiance is a common reaction for teens when authorityfigures set limits on the independence they feel they are entitled to. Extreme defiance can not only negatively affect the relationship between parent and child, but can also lead to risk taking behavior. Liahona Academy is a residential treatment facility that specializes in helping teen boys problem solve effectively in order to create a more harmonious home environment. For more information, contact Liahona Academy at 1-855-587-1416.
- While some amount of defiance is common in children of all ages, Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) is characterized by a consistent pattern of hostile, annoying and uncooperative behavior toward authority figures. This condition is disruptive for positive development and when left untreated, can lead to more concerning disorders and behavior. Liahona Academy is a residential facility which specializes in treating teen boys with ODD. Residents are immersed in a therapeutic environment where they can learn to manage their symptoms and successfully navigate the adolescent years. For more information, contact Liahona Academy at 1-855-587-1416.
- It can be scary for parents to know that their teen has experimented with drugs and even worse when it becomes evident that it has become a consistent problem. Drug abuse among teens can be dangerous and dealing with it requires the intervention of professionals. Liahona Academy is a residential treatment center specializing in helping teen boys recover from the fallout of drug abuse while learning to effectively problem solve in day to day life. For more information, contact one of the experts at Liahona Academy (1-855-587-1416) to discuss enrollment.
- Violence among teens is triggered by various factors, however, the negative consequences are often the same. Dealing with a teen’s consistent anger can be overwhelming for parents who aren’t sure how to make effective changes. Liahona Academy is a full-time residential treatment facility that caters to teen boys dealing with anger and violence. The experienced staff at Liahona Academy works one on one with each resident in a therapeutic environment to teach healthy coping skills as well as effective personal communication. Contact Liahona Academy at 1-855-587-1416 to discuss enrollment options.
- Sexual activity is more common among teens than ever before. While some amount of experimentation is typical, some teens find themselves struggling with sexual compulsivity disorder which negatively affects day to day decisions. Liahona Academy is a residential treatment center specializing in helping teen boys with sexual compulsivity disorder. Residents are immersed in a safe and therapeutic environment where they learn to implement appropriate boundaries and healthy coping strategies. For information, contact Liahona Academy at 1-855-587-1416.
- Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) is triggered by a disruption in the bond between mother and child during the first five years of life. Children with RAD have great difficulty attaching or trusting others leading to negative issues in almost every type of relationship. Liahona Academy specializes in helping teen boys with RAD overcome the challenges of their condition, learn to communicate effectively and develop trust. The immersive therapeutic environment at Liahona Academy means that troubled boys can get the help they need full time. To learn more, contact the staff at Liahona Academy 1-855-587-1416.
- Self-harm among teens is generally a physical manifestation of deep insecurities or emotional pain. Self-harm, such as cutting, allows an individual to distract themselves from mental turmoil and may eventually become an uncontrollable coping mechanism. Depending on the severity of each case, teens who self-injure often need a qualified professional to help them get to the bottom of their issues. Liahona Academy is a residential facility specializing in helping teen boys learn appropriate coping mechanisms for the challenges they face in a safe and therapeutic environment. For more information on enrollment, contact the expert staff at Liahona Academy at 1-855-587-1416.
- True depression among teens is more than simple moodiness and occasional melancholy. Real cases can lead to self-harming behavior, drug and alcohol abuse, self-loathing and even suicide. Liahona Academy is a full-time residential facility dedicated to helping teen boys learn to establish healthy coping mechanisms and rediscover confidence within themselves. The expert staff at Liahona Academy creates a safe environment where boys can develop friendships and a more positive identity. For more information, contact Liahona Academy at 1-855-587-1416.
- Although everyone experiences some amount of anxiety, excessive amounts can affect both emotional comfort and healthy day to day activities and interaction. Children suffering from anxiety disorders may withdraw from their family and peers and their performance in school can also be severely affected. Liahona Academy is a full-time residential facility that specializes in helping teen boys learn to effectively manage their anxiety and live a healthy, happy life. For more information, contact Liahona Academy at 1-855-587-1416.
- The National Runaway Safeline estimates that 47% of runaway/homeless youth left home as a result of conflict between themselves and their parents. Teens who run away are at extreme risk for sexual or physical abuse as well as other street based victimization. The experts at Liahona Academy are skilled at working with teens who need to improve their interpersonal relationships with their parents and other authority figures. The full time facility is monitored 24 hours a day allowing residents to rediscover themselves in a safe and therapeutic environment. For more information, contact Liahona Academy at 1-855-587-1416.
- Few things are more tragic than a teen losing hope and ending their life. Suicide is often a reaction to debilitating depression and when it is caught in the early stages, it can be effectively treated. Liahona Academy is a full-time therapeutic residential home where teen boys can work with staff to regain confidence and a more positive outlook on life. The facility is monitored 24 hours a day in order to keep the boys safe and consistently headed in a healthy direction. For more information on how Liahona Academy could help your son, contact the staff at 1-855-587-1416.