"...As a residential treatment center for troubled boys, we believe that love combined with consistency, delivered in a safe environment, is the key to changing the hearts of troubled young men. Unconditional acceptance (love) and consistency (fair and firm discipline) in a safe (physically and emotionally safe) setting are the key ingredients to formulating a true heart change..."
About Liahona Treatment Center
Liahona Treatment Center is known by educational consultants and other behavioral/mental health professionals as a premier residential treatment center for troubled boys. Liahona Treatment Center serves boys and their families who are struggling with a variety of personal and relationship issues including but not limited to defiance, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, academics, poor peer choices, substance abuse, and other self-harming behaviors.
Liahona is a residential therapy program offering multiple levels of care including: residential, day, and outpatient treatments to help teens overcome mental health illnesses and issues. Our mental health treatment team includes a licensed psychiatrist, licensed therapists, and five registered nurses. Each member of our team works to create a customized treatment program and a consistent continuum of care for all boys at Liahona. In addition, our academic program helps teens continue to learn and earn the credits necessary to graduate High School (our program also specializes in grade repair and credit recovery).
When it comes to residential treatment, Liahona is different. We are set apart from other programs. This is in large part due to the quality of our staff members we have assembled. We are proud of the success our students and families have enjoyed since we opened in 2001.
The best way to get to know about Liahona's success is to hear directly from our past students and parents. Call today and speak with an Admissions Counselor (855-587-1416) and receive a list of parent references. We encourage you to contact and listen to what our current students and former student's families who have been through our program have to say about us.
The Right Therapeutic Intervention for Troubled Boys
Liahona presents a refreshing and stimulating environment grounded on a positive structure and an understanding of natural consequences. Natural consequences can be positive or negative. At Liahona Treatment Center the inappropriate behaviors are met with empathy and fair outlined, consistent consequences. While good healthy behavior is met with positive, consistent consequences as well. Through this process the students become empowered in their own lives. They develop a sense of control in their own lives and the outcomes they experience. They do not submit to authority so much as they learn to work with authority to generate the outcomes that they themselves want.
Liahona is not a punitive programIt is a program that teaches healthy and correct principles that when acted upon result in consistent positive outcomes. Each student achieves the exact results that he chooses to have based on the choices that he makes. If a student does not make healthy or positive decisions then he chooses not to have the rewards that come from healthy choices, and he chooses the natural consequence associated with his own choice. This takes away the power struggles that defiant attitudes often come with as the students are reinforced that they create their own results.
The student is taught that they are free to create their own outcomes. They do not have to “surrender or give in to authority” but they can use their own power to create their own outcomes. They are then consistently held accountable (positive or negative) for these choices. This ability transitions very well into the home environment where the parents set out the rules of the home. The student learns that making certain choices will bring freedom and rewards while other choices will bring out less freedom or consequences.
The parents will learn how to use the language of natural consequences in their own relationship with their child to help facilitate healthy communication, defuse power struggles, and maintain consistency that relationships require. The Liahona students often comment on the "safety" of the environment where they know what is expected, and they also know they will be treated with respect while being held accountable for their choices (both good and bad).
Learn More
At Liahona Treatment Center greatness is expected, and the clear message that "you have what it takes" is presented in all that we do.
For more information about our program click here.To download our brochure click here.