What is a Therapeutic Boarding School?
Boarding schools are residential schools that allow students to live and learn on the same campus. They offer similar curriculums as public schools but may also have students' academic, sports, STEM, and musical focus. Therapeutic boarding schools are similar in design, but they focus on their students' mental health and wellness. These facilities will allow students to heal, grow, and thrive under the supervision of medical professionals. Within a therapeutic boarding school structure, teens will be able to work through their mental health issues, get back on track with their academics, and learn life and leadership skills that they may have otherwise never had the opportunity to focus on. The therapies offered can vary based on the type of therapeutic boarding school and the needs of the students. Some of the therapies provided could include the following.- Individual therapy
- Group therapy
- Family therapy
- Equine therapy
- Outdoor adventure therapy
Regulations that need to be met by Therapeutic Boarding Schools
All educational facilities need to meet strict state and federal regulations; this includes therapeutic boarding schools. It’s important to note that each state has its own rules and regulations for private schools. As well as needing to meet these regulations, therapeutic boarding schools are often held to a higher standard, as they include mental health treatments and therapies. Some of the areas that facilities need to provide clear documentation and information about include the following.- Certification of teachers and other educators.
- Qualifications of nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals.
- Licensing and accreditation (varies by state.)
- Curriculum, length of the school day, and year.
- Professional development and ongoing training and education.
- Technology and other tools used
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