Has your teen surprised you with the news that they want to get a tattoo? While not entirely unexpected for many teens today, it can still take parents aback when their clean-cut honor roll student wants to get a seahorse tattoo. How did you handle the initial conversation? Do you think you will take it […]
Teen Skipping School and Refusing to Go to School
Many of us had days when we dreaded getting up and going to school. Even now, as an adult, it’s likely that you dread going to work. But we know what our responsibilities are, so we forge forward. Teens are tasked with the responsibility of going to school to complete their education. It’s perfectly normal […]
Helping Your Teen Handle Peer Pressure
Peer pressure can negatively affect a child’s behavior and life choices. It may involve choosing the same clothes as their peers, listening to music, or watching shows. Peer pressure could also lead to poor decisions. Negative behaviors like alcohol and drug use may also occur among teenagers due to peer pressure. For this reason, it’s […]
Warning Signs of Teenage Drinking
Consistent intake of alcohol causing alcohol use disorder doesn’t only occur in adults. Teenagers also experience symptoms and effects of alcohol intake. In the United States, alcohol is widespread among young people. Data from various national surveys suggest the impact and prominence of the substance in teens. Like alcohol’s effect on adults, youths also tend […]
How to Understand Teenage Internet Addiction
Teenagers and young adults are typically more tech-savvy than adults. There’s a higher chance of these adolescents experiencing an obsession with internet use. Children experiencing behavioral, emotional, or psychological problems often find it challenging to stay away from the internet. This may develop into an addiction. Without adequate help, teenage addiction may cause young adults […]
Teen Help for Stress Management
Parents often think their teens aren’t truly struggling with stress. After all, teens aren’t preoccupied with paying the mortgage, keeping up bills, juggling the needs of a partner and children, or concerns at work. But teens today struggle with stress just as much as their parents. Your problems are different, but it is still stress. […]
Help! My Teen is Lacking Motivation
We all have days when we don’t feel like doing much. A lack of motivation once in a while is expected and perhaps should be encouraged if you’ve been burning the candle at both ends. But what about your teens? Is their lack of motivation extending past the weekend? Are they lacking motivation constantly, and […]
How to Get Your Teens to Open Up About Their Lives
As your child approaches adolescence, there is the want for independence on his part. Being the parent, you want the exact opposite. You want to know the person they kissed at the corner of the road last night. You want to know how many frat parties they have attended. You want to know about their […]
Common Problems for Teens in 2022
It feels like we are in a world that is perpetually in chaos and crisis. As adults, it can be overwhelming to see near-constant messages of doom and gloom through news outlets and social media. We don’t always take a moment to think about how current affairs impact our teens. In truth, today’s teens face […]
What Intervention Techniques Are Good for Troubled Teens?
If you are the parent of a troubled teen, you may be feeling overwhelmed and helpless. Unfortunately, millions of other parents are in the same boat. The good news is that intervention techniques can help troubled teens. What is Intervention? An intervention occurs when family, friends, and professionals speak with troubled individuals about their issues […]