How to deal with today’s troubled teens
Today’s teens face a world quite different from the one we grew up in. Social media alone, while sometimes helpful and fun, can contribute to the mental health struggles a teen is faced with. With all of your teen's added potential complications and triggers, we also benefit today from a more profound and broader knowledge of mental health. That means there are many resources for parents and teens to lean into in times of crisis. Before you lean into these resources, there are a few things that you can do at home to try and help your troubled teen.- Speak with them openly and honestly about what might be going on with them. This may not always be a successful conversation if your teen is defensive. But it’s vital to communicate continually.
- Minimize screen time, where possible. You may get a bit of pushback on this, but your teen may just find he truly benefits from the breathing room that can happen when minimizing screen time.
- Talk to others in his life who may be an insight into his behavioral changes. Teachers, guidance counselors, coaches, and family members could help you form a complete picture.
Where can I send my out-of-control teenager?
Sending your teen to time out in his bedroom is not going to help him as much as it helped when he was a toddler. An out-of-control teenager often needs much more intervention than what can be provided at home. Outpatient counseling can prove beneficial but may not be enough when your teen is genuinely out-of-control. It is an excellent place to start, however. The mental health professionals treating your troubled teen may recommend that you seek out further and more extensive treatment for your teen. What might this look like? There are several options that you may be able to consider.- Boot camps for troubled teens
- Residential treatment centers
- Therapeutic boarding schools
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