The definition of a boy’s home
Boy’s homes can be best understood as a residential treatment center where troubled teen boys receive the mental wellness help they need. In this safe and structured environment, teen boys can learn, grow, and understand how to best cope with the challenges that they will face. The types of therapy offered to your teen will be based upon his individual needs. What those needs look like can vary. That said, the objectives of a boy’s home will quite often be the same for every one of their resident students. This could include:- Learning how to establish and build healthy relationships and boundaries.
- Identifying and learning how to correct and control self-destructive thoughts and behaviors.
- Understanding how to respect rules and authority.
- Learning how to treat others with empathy, respect, and compassion.
- Identifying trauma and other stress sources that could contribute to poor decision-making.
- Learning the importance of good work ethics.
- Focusing on academic excellence.
- Good physical health through outdoor activities and proper nutrition.
Is a boy’s home right for your teen?
Ask yourself the following questions to determine whether a boy’s home might be the right choice for your teen and your family:- Does your teen’s behavior feel out of control?
- Do you feel like you need to walk on eggshells around him?
- Does he explode with anger or violence without much warning?
- Does he run away or stay out past curfew?
- Does your teen struggle with his mental health?
- Are counseling and the other treatment options you’ve tried not working well?
- Is he struggling to keep up with school?
- Do his behaviors place his safety or health at risk?
- Is he using drugs or alcohol?
Programs offered at a boy’s home
Keep in mind that variations in offered treatment programs can vary based upon the location of the facility and the overall focus of the facility. Even with variations, the right facility for your troubled teen will ensure that he has a structured environment with a daily schedule that can help him to adjust better. Some of the treatment programs that you may see offered in a boy’s home may include:- Individual and group therapy
- Individualized and focused academic instruction
- Personal development, which could include learning leadership and social skills
- Weekly skill set training to help young men learn how to become leaders within their communities and peer groups
- Physical fitness education and training, along with nutritional education.
- Group activities that could include hiking, swimming, and so much more. The opportunity to spend quality time with peers can offer a struggling teen the ability to learn how to forge and maintain friendships. Peers can also offer support and guidance.
- Your teen may also learn more about service and the importance of being a positive influence in his community.
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