Sometimes, parents find they need the help of other professionals to help their struggling teenagers, especially as their teens’ behavior starts to spiral out of control. Two of the most recommended suggestions are residential treatment centers for teens and therapeutic boarding schools for teens. These two types of troubled teen programs are often referred to […]
Why Behavior Modification Works With Troubled Teens
Struggling teens can display a range of troubling behaviors, ranging from aggression to compulsive lying and delinquency. If teens are unable to change these behaviors with the help of their parents and local resources, it may be time to consider a behavioral modification program. Behavior Modification Addresses The Root Problems A behavior modification addresses the […]
When You’ve Decided Your Teen’s ‘Back To School’ Will Be Different
By the time most parents consider sending their teen to a boarding school for troubled teens, often that teen has been expelled from at least one school before. And no matter what promises were made by the teen to shape up over the summer, it’s the same old story—calls from family and friends about the […]