What is a Habit?
Before we dive in, let’s define what a habit actually is. According to Merriam-Webster, a habit is “a settled tendency or usual manner of behavior” or “an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary.” While in terms of positive habits, this can look like brushing your teeth, setting your alarm for your usual morning run, or ensuring that your water bottle is full and ready before you begin your day (to name just a few). However, on the flip side, there are habits that we - and our teenagers - can get involved in that are far from positive. Let’s take a look at some habits of teens nowadays that need to be addressed immediately:- Drug and alcohol abuse
- Excessive video games
- Excessive social media usage + cell phone time
- Lying and stealing
- Sexual activity
- Lack of exercise
- Hanging out with the wrong crowd
- Lack of attention to nutrition (i.e., too much fast food, skipping meals, etc.)
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