As a parent, it’s understandable that you may want to protect your teen from the negative consequences of his decisions and behaviors. But if it gets to the point where you’re wondering what to do with a child who is failing at school and at keeping his life on track, you may need to reevaluate […]
My Son Has DMDD Help!
If you have a teenager mood swings may be something that you’re already all too familiar with. The rollercoaster of hormones that teens live with can result in behavior that is sometimes unpredictable and frustrating for the members of their families. When their behavior seems to go beyond simply being moody and grumpy, you may […]
What Can I Do About My Teen Cutting?
Is your teen displaying self-harming behaviors? If you have a teen cutting, you likely feel a range of conflicting emotions. You may be angry, confused, frustrated, worried, and maybe even a little bit helpless. All of these feelings are normal in a completely challenging situation. It’s one thing to be aware of this teen behavior […]
Can School Cause Mental Health Concerns in Teens
Today’s youth face a lot of pressure in school. Some teens handle it well and have no issues, but others develop mental health concerns caused by school pressure. Teens are expected to read and write well and perform well in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) classes. Meanwhile, they are required to sit quietly in […]
Helping Your Teen Find Independence
When kids reach the teen years, their self-confidence can take a hit. Puberty changes their bodies. Their hormones are raging. And their friend groups often shift. Amidst all of the changes, teens can start to question themselves and start following the crowd to fit in. During this time, it’s important for parents to help their […]
Why Are Teens So Influenced By Peers?
The teen years are a really unique period in our lives. Teenagers aren’t little kids anymore, but they aren’t adults yet either. They want independence, but they don’t actually know how to take care of themselves. On top of all of that, they are in the middle of physical changes that reshape their brain and […]
My Teen is Self Harming What Can I Do?
Teens who engage in self-harming behavior need help to learn to overcome it. If you know that your teen has started hurting themself, you can intervene to help them improve their daily life. One of the best things that you can do as their parent is to help them build their self-esteem. Why do teens […]
Teen Hazing After Effects
In this day and age, it’s hard to believe that hazing and bullying can still exist. There have been so many studies showing how damaging it can be. So how can that kind of behavior still happen? Unfortunately, it’s easier than ever for teens to bully each other in this technological age. They can easily […]
How to Encourage Your Teen To Work on Grades
Is your teen making bad grades? You need to encourage your teen to work on their grades, but there’s no easy fix to get a kid to care about their schoolwork. When teenagers start making bad grades and falling behind in school, it puts their parents in a bind too. Teens are at an age […]
Behavioral Changes in Teens, Should You Be Concerned?
Parenting a teenager is no easy task. Most teens hit a phase where they seem to become a whole different person from the kid you raised. They start developing new interests, wearing new clothes, hanging out with new friends, and thinking about the world differently. Unfortunately, some teens start to develop worrisome behavior changes that […]