Outbursts, mood swings, and testing behavior are common when raising teens. However, these factors all change a bit when you are dealing with a teenager! While it’s typical for a teen coming into their own to want to develop a sense of self, there comes a line where this behavior can cross over into narcissism. […]
Teen Is Refusing to Obey House Rules
If you have a teenage son or daughter, then you might be well aware of the fact that they are itching for a sense of freedom. You might be experiencing your teen refusing house rules – whether that is by wanting to stay out past curfew, taking the car at an inconvenient time, or refusing […]
My Teen is Stealing From Me. What Can I Do?
Stealing is often a behavior performed out of curiosity, as opposed to blatant disregard for obedience or rules, especially if your child is a toddler or elementary age. However, realizing that your teenager is stealing (either occasionally or frequently) can bring forth another level of frustration and shame. After all, you would assume that taking […]
Common Types of Therapy Offered At Military Boarding School
Are you looking to send your teen to a military boarding school? You may wonder what kind of therapies are typically offered in these facilities. Strictly speaking, a traditional military boarding school won’t typically offer therapeutic programs for the teens they care for. In these types of schools, teens will face a structured environment similar […]
Are Residential Treatment Centers the Solution for Problematic Teens?
If your teen has been struggling for some time, and other treatment options don’t appear to be the right solution for him, you may be ready to consider a residential treatment center. Just what is a residential treatment center? How can it offer help for troubled teens who are struggling to find their way forward? […]
Unlocking a Brighter Future for Troubled Teens With Liahona Boys Academy
As a parent with a troubled teen, you may wonder if sending him to a school for troubled teens is the next best direction. Particularly if he has been struggling at school and home. A teen facing mental health concerns or behavioral issues may not be able to completely heal and recover at home, as […]
8 Tips for Disciplining Your Defiant Teen Son
Dealing with a defiant teen son can be challenging. You may feel like you’ve tried everything, but nothing seems to work. Parenting a defiant teenager can be difficult and overwhelming. It’s important to remember that your son is still developing and it is natural for him to want to push boundaries and make mistakes. But, […]
Are Residential Treatment Centers the Solution for Problematic Teens?
If your teen has been struggling for some time, and other treatment options don’t appear to be the right solution for him, you may be ready to consider a residential treatment center. Just what is a residential treatment center? How can it offer help for troubled teens who are struggling to find their way forward? […]
How to Help Your ADHD Son With Action Steps
Does your son have attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD)? A diagnosis of ADHD is just the first step in helping your teen to figure out how to fit into a world that may not always understand him. One of the best strategies that you can take to help your ADHD son is to introduce action […]
Teen Drinking, How to Get Your Teen Help
Something that many parents learn is that quite some teens experiment with alcohol and cigarettes at least once. This is frustrating for parents, but it’s not unexpected. What does get problematic is when that experimental beer turns into frequent teen drinking. For a teen alcohol can become more than just something they consume when around […]