Teens burn tons of energy and need to eat regularly to stay healthy and strong. However, they may choose to avoid making a healthy meal. This is where meal planning comes in! Planning meals can help your teen’s diet by keeping them full and feeling fantastic physically and mentally all day. Healthy meals reduce obesity […]
Seasonal Depression Tips For Teens
Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is a condition that affects around 5% of the population in any given year. The onset of SAD generally occurs during the wintertime, and symptoms can include fatigue, lack of motivation, and changes in appetite and sleep habits. Teens are no exception and may also experience SAD when the darker, […]
Finding a Military Boarding School
What do you know about military schools? Like most parents, you’ve likely heard many things about boot camps and military schools for children and teens. Are military schools boot camps? Are they part of the military, or do they recruit teens from these boarding schools? We’ve got the facts to help set the record straight […]
Boot Camp for Kids
How much do you know about boot camps for kids and teens? Most television shows and movies that feature boot camps for youth tend to exaggerate in many ways, which you’d expect from fiction. Learning more about boot camps, how they work, and the value they can offer teens with personality disorders, depression or anxiety, […]
My Teen’s Mood Suddenly Shifts. I Need Help!
Teenagers often have wild mood swings. But what happens when these mood swings come with extreme emotions that lead to violence, abuse, or worse? Is your teen causing you to live on eggshells? How do you know when it’s time to consider getting help? Liahona Academy helps you understand why your teenager’s moods change and […]
How to Treat At Risk Youth Troubled Teens
The teen years can be amazing. We watch our kids grow into capable teens learning and exploring their world daily. The teen years can also be tumultuous for parents and teens both. This is often the case if you have a troubled teen. You can find yourself trapped between a rock and a hard place. […]
What School Would Be Good For Troubled Teens?
Your teen’s current school and living situation aren’t working out right now. Perhaps your teen is being bullied at school? It could be that he’s getting into trouble and running away from home. How can you help your troubled teen get his life and education back on track? Knowing which option would work well to […]
What to Do With Troubled Teens
It may be a cliché, but parenting is rarely easy. That doesn’t mean we don’t love our children unconditionally. From the moment they are born, children change our lives and how we face our world. The teen years seem to arrive right when we feel like we’ve finally got a handle on parenting. Only to […]
How Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Appears in Teenagers
There are no known safe levels of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Babies exposed to alcohol before birth are at risk of developing fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), which can have a strong and negative effect on the brain’s structure. These effects can affect the child’s development, even into early adolescence. Children born with fetal alcohol syndrome […]
Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms
Has your teen’s behavior shifted? It can be a challenge to determine if changes in your teen’s behavior and personality are expected for most adolescents or if he is struggling with a mental health concern, such as borderline personality disorder (BPD). BPD symptoms can start to appear during the teen years and into young adulthood. […]