Parenting an unruly stepson can be a difficult task for any parent. It is especially challenging when trying to balance the responsibilities of blending two families and cultures together while also navigating how best to discipline the child in question. However, with patience, perseverance, and dedication, it is possible to successfully parent an unruly stepson. […]
Helping Your Teen Son With Depression
Depression is a serious mental health issue that can have a devastating effect on individuals and their families. Teenagers are particularly vulnerable to depression, with research indicating an alarming rise in the incidence of depression amongst this age group. As parents, it is essential to be aware of the signs of depression in teenagers and […]
Why Are Some Teens Compulsive Liars?
Lying is a common behavior among adolescents, yet some teens are prone to compulsive lying. This article will explore the factors that lead to this type of behavior and how it can be managed. It is necessary to understand why some teens become habitual liars in order to effectively address this issue. Compulsive lying may […]
How To Handle A Passive-Aggressive Teen
Adolescence is a challenging time for both teenagers and their parents. One particular challenge can arise when dealing with passive-aggressive behavior in teens. It can be difficult to know how best to respond, particularly since many adolescents are not yet equipped with the skills necessary to effectively communicate their feelings. The is help available to […]
Signs To Watch Out For With Teen Narcissism
Teen narcissism is a growing trend in today’s world, and it can be challenging to identify when the behaviors become problematic. It is important for parents, educators, and caregivers of teenagers to recognize the signs of teen narcissism before they manifest into more serious concerns. So, what are some of the warning signs of teen […]
Common Narcissist Behaviors In Teens
Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by grandiosity and self-centered behavior. It can be difficult to recognize, especially in adolescents who are still developing their sense of identity. The behaviors associated with narcissism can have serious implications for the emotional well-being of not only those affected but also their peers and families. The presence of […]
Where Can I Send My Troubled Youth?
The issue of troubled youth is one that many communities are struggling to manage. It is a complex problem with no easy solution, yet there are various paths for those looking for assistance in addressing this issue. To better understand the resources available to support and care for troubled youth, it is important to identify […]
How Do I Get My Teenage Son to Stop Disobeying Me?
As parents, we can almost half expect our teens to reach a stage of wanting the ultimate freedom, back-talking, and blatant disregard for everyone else but themselves. Often short-lived, this phase of adolescence can be challenging for even the most laid-back adults, especially if you’ve got a strong-willed child that wants their own way. One […]
What Are Some Ways Parents Can Positively Influence Their Teen’s Behavior?
As a parent, you are more than well aware of the role that you play in the life of your child. Not only do you nurture and protect them, but you also are a key player in shaping their behavior and overall attitude. Granted, emotions will ebb and flow, especially during the toddler years and […]
Who has more control over teen behavior, parents or schools?
While it may not feel like you have much of an influence over your teen’s behavior, the truth may actually be quite different. Certainly, teens are influenced by their teachers and school administrators, coaches, and other adults in their lives. But it’s parents who will have the greatest influence on shaping the behavior of a […]