Lying is typical behavior teenagers turn to when they want to avoid the consequences of bad behavior. Teenagers sometimes develop a lying habit to cover up their deviant behaviors. You may use lies to regulate and control your parent’s perceptions of your life. Once you start to lie constantly, it often takes a while to […]
Teen Skipping School and Refusing to Go to School
Many of us had days when we dreaded getting up and going to school. Even now, as an adult, it’s likely that you dread going to work. But we know what our responsibilities are, so we forge forward. Teens are tasked with the responsibility of going to school to complete their education. It’s perfectly normal […]
Teen Help for Stress Management
Parents often think their teens aren’t truly struggling with stress. After all, teens aren’t preoccupied with paying the mortgage, keeping up bills, juggling the needs of a partner and children, or concerns at work. But teens today struggle with stress just as much as their parents. Your problems are different, but it is still stress. […]
Help! My Teen Is Lacking Motivation
The teenage years are a crucial period for personal development, and the ability to stay motivated is essential in that process. In order to ensure their continued growth and well-being, it is important for parents of teens to understand what can cause a lack of motivation, as well as how they can help support their […]
How Teenage Boot Camps Improve Behavior
The teenage years are a formative period of life and can be challenging for both parents and teenagers. As adolescents struggle to find their place in the world, behavioral issues may arise That is why many families turn to boot camps as an effective way to help improve teenage behavior. Boot camps involve structured activities […]
Parenting An Unruly Stepson
Parenting an unruly stepson can be a difficult task for any parent. It is especially challenging when trying to balance the responsibilities of blending two families and cultures together while also navigating how best to discipline the child in question. However, with patience, perseverance, and dedication, it is possible to successfully parent an unruly stepson. […]
Helping Your Teen Son With Depression
Depression is a serious mental health issue that can have a devastating effect on individuals and their families. Teenagers are particularly vulnerable to depression, with research indicating an alarming rise in the incidence of depression amongst this age group. As parents, it is essential to be aware of the signs of depression in teenagers and […]
Why Are Some Teens Compulsive Liars?
Lying is a common behavior among adolescents, yet some teens are prone to compulsive lying. This article will explore the factors that lead to this type of behavior and how it can be managed. It is necessary to understand why some teens become habitual liars in order to effectively address this issue. Compulsive lying may […]
How To Handle A Passive-Aggressive Teen
Adolescence is a challenging time for both teenagers and their parents. One particular challenge can arise when dealing with passive-aggressive behavior in teens. It can be difficult to know how best to respond, particularly since many adolescents are not yet equipped with the skills necessary to effectively communicate their feelings. The is help available to […]
Signs To Watch Out For With Teen Narcissism
Teen narcissism is a growing trend in today’s world, and it can be challenging to identify when the behaviors become problematic. It is important for parents, educators, and caregivers of teenagers to recognize the signs of teen narcissism before they manifest into more serious concerns. So, what are some of the warning signs of teen […]