Signs of Teen Drug Addiction
One of the most important things that you can do for your teen is to learn the signs of drug addiction. Some may be quite obvious, while others could be more on the subtle side. While there are some common signs to be aware of, it is worth mentioning that the signs of drug abuse in your teen may look drastically different from what his closest friend is displaying. Some signs that you could see in your teen may include physical and behavioral changes and could include the following.- Changes in performance at school, including poor grades and attendance issues.
- Changes in personality, including talking to himself, laughing without cause, and crying without apparent cause.
- Losing interest in spending time with his usual group of friends and no interest in activities that he once enjoyed.
- Spending time with new friends, who perhaps seem to lead him down the wrong path.
- Increased aggression towards others, even to family members.
- Withdrawing from family, family activities, and wanting to spend more time alone.
- Bloodshot eyes, sores in his mouth, unusual damage to his teeth, and other physical changes.
- A lack of good hygiene, or perhaps an increase in showers in an attempt not to smell like smoke or other substances.
- Out of character and secretive behavior.
- Avoiding eye contact and trying to avoid conversations or answering even direct questions.
- Skipping class, missing curfew, or sneaking out.
Resources for Parents
Finding out that your teen son is using drugs can be all at once overwhelming and confusing. What should your next step be to get your teen the help that he needs? Where do parents turn to first?- Educate yourself on the type of drugs that you suspect your teen is abusing and also do a bit of research into the connection between substance abuse and mental health.
- Do a bit of reading about the connection between drug abuse in teens and the risks of drug addiction in adults. This can help to fortify you when you’re struggling with a teen who is insistent that his drug use isn’t an issue.
- Visit this website to learn more about the government resources that are available to you. This includes details about the risks that accompany the use of opioids and mental health concerns.
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