Substance abuse concerns
While it may be considered developmentally expected, to a degree, for some teens to experiment with alcohol and drugs, it can soon lead to issues with abuse and addiction if left unchecked. Particularly if there are other mental health concerns that may contribute towards a teen seeking out an escape from their mental health turmoil. Whether giving into peer pressure or self-medicating, teens are at an increased risk of turning to alcohol, marijuana, and other types of drugs. Some of the signs of use and abuse parents should be aware of include:- Sudden changes in friendships
- Unexplained and extreme mood swings
- Bloodshot eyes and dilated pupils
- Changes in appetite, from not being hungry to binge eating
- Losing interest in activities they once enjoyed
- Isolating themselves from family and friends
- Staying out past curfew or not coming home at all
- Changes in performance at school
- Lying and stealing
Bullying, in-person and cyberbullying
An increasingly digital world often correlates with increasing numbers of online harassment and bullying for teens. Whether on social media, through private forums, or games, teens today face an incredible amount of bullying from peers and from adults who may not know or care that they are teenagers. Teens who perhaps don’t necessarily fit the ideals their peers have, in terms of their appearance or identity, may struggle more than others. This holds true for online and in-person bullying. It can be difficult to address bullying in a school setting, as you generally need to get support from school administrators and teachers. Working with them may help to at the very least be aware that there is a situation needing to be addressed. Getting your teen therapy can help by allowing him to learn healthy coping mechanisms so that the bullying does not take as much of a mental health toll on him. It may also be beneficial to limit his time spent on social media and other platforms that are exposing him to online bullying.Bad choices in social groups
Let’s face it, we’re not always going to approve of the friends our teens choose to spend time with. That said, there are some situations where your teen may be picking the wrong choices in friends to add to their social circle. Those who can expose them to alcohol and drug abuse, those who may be involved in local gang activity, and those who may be inclined to take part in activities may get in trouble with the law eventually. As a parent, it can backfire on you if you attempt to tell your teen who to and who not to spend time with. Instead, you can do your part to instill a good moral compass, a sense of what is right, and reassure them that you will always be in their corner should they need you.Relationships, sex, teen pregnancy
These concerns are always going to be something parents of teens should be aware of. By nature, teens are going to want to experiment with sex and all that it entails. You may not be able to keep them from doing everything, but you can offer education and resources:- Speak to your teen about the risks of STDs
- Discuss the importance of using protection
- Discuss options for preventing pregnancy
- Educate your teen about the importance of consent
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